

new article in New Media & Society

Luci Pangrazio and Neil Selwyn have a new article just published in New Media & Society - titled "‘Personal data literacies’: A critical literacies approach to enhancing understandings of personal digital data'. The article develops a framework for understanding how people can engage with the personal data that is implicit in their uses of digital technology. In the wake of Cambridge Analytica and the Edward Snowden revelations, we argue that this is an increasingly important area of digital literacy that needs to be promoted throughout society.

Challenges for IT‑Enabled Formative Assessment of Complex 21st Century Skills

DER's Mike Phillips has a new journal article in Technology, Knowledge and Learning resulting from his work in the UNESCO sponsored EDUSummIT in Bulgaria in...

Creativity and Technology in Education

DER members Michael Henderson and Edwin Creely along with colleagues from USA, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and Finland have a new article exploring the international K-10 policy framing of creativity and technology. 

SENS: Network Analytics to Combine Social and Cognitive Perspectives of Collaborative Learning

Dragan Gašević is one of the authors of a new article published in Computers in Human Behavior. The article is entitled "SENS: Network Analytics...

Exploring Student Interactions with Preparation Activities in a Flipped Classroom Experience

Dragan Gašević is one of the authors of a new article accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. The article is...

Young People’s Understandings of Social Media Data

Luci Pangrazio and Neil Selwyn have a new article out in Social Media+Society - '“It’s Not Like It’s Life or Death or Whatever”: Young People’s Understandings of Social Media Data'. This article reports on auDA funded research with groups of young people where third party (re)uses of personal data were made openly available for social media users to interpret and make critical sense of.

Twenty years of online teacher communities: a systematic review

Neil Selwyn is one of the authors of a new systematic review article published in Teaching & Teacher Education. The article is titled: "Twenty years of online teacher communities: A systematic review of formally-organized and informally-developed professional learning groups", and was co-authored with Annika Lantz-Andersson and Mona Lundin (University of Gothenburg)

The policy rebirth of ‘learning to code’ in UK, Sweden & Australia

Neil Selwyn has a new article published in the Journal of Educational Policy co-authored with Ben Williamson (Stirling University) and Annika Rensfeldt and Caterina Player-Koro (University of Gothenburg). This paper examines the 'fast policy' processes unpinning the recent push for 'coding in schools' across England, Sweden and Australia.

Data points: exploring data-driven reforms of education

Neil Selwyn has a new review article published in the British Journal of Sociology of Education. The article overviews recent writing on the rising use of digital data in schools and university education, reflecting on areas of further research, analysis and action.

new article in International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education

Neil Selwyn has a new open access article in the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education - titled "More than tools? Making sense of the ongoing digitizations of higher education". The article is co-authored with Linda Castañeda from the Universidad de Murcia in Spain.