Young People’s Understandings of Social Media Data

Young People’s Understandings of Social Media Data


DER members Luci Pangrazio and Neil Selwyn have a new article out in Social Media+Society. The article comes from the auDA foundation project on young people and personal data, and is titled: ‘“It’s Not Like It’s Life or Death or Whatever”: Young People’s Understandings of Social Media Data‘. This article reports on research with groups of young people (aged 13–17 years) where third party (re)uses of personal data were made openly available for social media users to interpret and make critical sense of. The findings provide valuable insights into young people’s understandings of the technical, social, and cultural issues that underpin their ability to engage with, and make sense of, social media data. The article concludes by considering how research into critical data literacies might connect in more meaningful and effective ways with everyday lived experiences of social media use.