Exemplar Schools: Digistories of using innovative learning technologies

Exemplar Schools: Digistories of using innovative learning technologies


Bernard Holkner
Geoff Romeo
Michael Henderson
Glenn Auld
Glenn Russell
Wee Tiong Seah
Anthony Fernando
Year of publication: 2008

exemplar_schoolsThe aim of this study was to identify and document exemplary use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in Australian schools. Six schools were identified in consultation with the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) and included sites from Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide and Hobart. At each school interviews were conducted with principals, teachers, parents and students. The data collected were analysed to identify effective, sustainable and embedded applications of ICT across all curriculum areas with a particular focus on the key areas of literacy and numeracy.

Project Outcomes
The report can be downloaded here.
In addition to more fully present the findings of this project in an engaging and easily accessible manner, a series of online ‘digistories’ was developed. The features of these digistories include:
  • Streaming video interviews with school principals and teachers
  • Demonstrations of exemplary school practice
  • Examples of student work
  • Links to useful resources
In total, eleven digistories were developed to highlight exemplary applications of ICT in the following areas:
  1. Student Generated Digital Video
  2. Virtual Learning Environments
  3. Interactive Whiteboards
  4. Digital Newsletters
  5. WebQuests
  6. Local and Global Connections
  7. Futures Perspective
  8. Professional Learning
  9. Leadership and School Organisation
  10. Community Engagement
  11. Digital Resources
The digistories can be viewed at:
In addition to identifying and documenting exemplary ICT practice in Australian
schools, this study provides further evidence to support the view that each school is
an unique learning community and that educational research should not focus on
trying to identify a ‘one size fits all’ approach to using ICT in schools. Instead, we
advocate an approach based on adopting ‘appropriate practice’ as determined by the
particular needs of each learning community.