

The teacher as social media celebrity … the downsides of being ‘edu-famous’?

Neil Selwyn comments on the growing prominence of teachers achieving social media 'celebrity' status ... 

Robots in the classroom: an interview with Dr. Sofia Serholt

Listen to Neil Selwyn’s interview with Dr. Sofia Serholt (Chalmers University, Sweden) about her research on the use of humanoid robots in the classroom.

DER in Dublin

Dragan Gašević was a keynote speaker at the National Symposium on Institutional Approaches to Using Data for Enhancing Student Success organised by the Irish National...

DER in Barcelona

Neil Selwyn was one of the keynote speakers at the 10th EDEN research workshop held in Barcelona (Oct 25th and 26th) at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Call for Applications: ‘Digital Education Futures’ one-day workshop (15_02_19)

We are pleased to be hosting a day-long Workshop for Doctoral & Early Career Researchers on February 15th 2019. The focus of the Workshop is on ‘Digital Education Futures’ - i.e. thinking critically and creatively about education futures in the (post)digital age. The day will include invited Keynote Provocations from Julian Sefton-Green (platform pedagogies), Akane Kanai (digital feminisms) and Neil Selwyn (eco-critical approaches).

new article in New Media & Society

Luci Pangrazio and Neil Selwyn have a new article just published in New Media & Society - titled "‘Personal data literacies’: A critical literacies approach to enhancing understandings of personal digital data'. The article develops a framework for understanding how people can engage with the personal data that is implicit in their uses of digital technology. In the wake of Cambridge Analytica and the Edward Snowden revelations, we argue that this is an increasingly important area of digital literacy that needs to be promoted throughout society.

DER on ABC Adelaide

Should schools use technology to be more flexible? .... allow VCE students to take University subjects while still in school? ... study online-only courses and/or take electives from outside their Year group? Have a listen to this discussion on ABC Adelaide about these trends (including some appropriately pessimistic guest input from DER's Neil Selwyn!).

SENS: Network Analytics to Combine Social and Cognitive Perspectives of Collaborative Learning

Dragan Gašević is one of the authors of a new article published in Computers in Human Behavior. The article is entitled "SENS: Network Analytics...

Young People’s Understandings of Social Media Data

Luci Pangrazio and Neil Selwyn have a new article out in Social Media+Society - '“It’s Not Like It’s Life or Death or Whatever”: Young People’s Understandings of Social Media Data'. This article reports on auDA funded research with groups of young people where third party (re)uses of personal data were made openly available for social media users to interpret and make critical sense of.

DER keynotes in Sweden

DER members Luci Pangrazio and Neil Selwyn were keynote speakers in the recent 'PopUpDigital18' conference in Gothenburg. The conference attracted 350 Swedish teachers, policymakers and municipality leaders, with a focus on the newly announced 'Digital Kompetens' area of the Swedish national curriculum.