Call for Applications: ‘Digital Education Futures’ one-day workshop (15_02_19)

Call for Applications: ‘Digital Education Futures’ one-day workshop (15_02_19)


We are pleased to be hosting a day-long Workshop for Doctoral & Early Career Researchers (i.e. those awarded their PhD within the past 5 years) on February 15th 2019 in Monash’s Clayton Campus (Melbourne).

The focus of the Workshop is on ‘Digital Education Futures’ – i.e. thinking critically and creatively about education futures in the (post)digital age.

The format of the day will include plenty of time for discussions, networking as well as a series of invited Keynote Provocations from three invited speakers:

  • Julian Sefton-Green (platform pedagogies)
  • Akane Kanai (digital feminisms)
  • Neil Selwyn (eco-critical approaches)

This will be a small event of around 30 attendees, so spaces on the Workshop will be limited. Call For Applications and further information can be found here.