Journal Article
The temptation to cheat in online exams: moving beyond the binary discourse of cheating...
This new paper from DER member Prof Michael Henderson reveals new insights into the factors that influence the tempation to cheat in large scale...
Enhancing feedback practices within PhD supervision
This new article by DER member Prof Michael Henderson reveals some of the productive as well as challenging practices surrounding PhD supervision feedback.
PhD candidates,...
Tracking technology: exploring student experiences of school datafication
New article in the Cambridge Journal of Education by DER members Luci Pangrazio, Neil Selwyn & Bronwyn Cumbo exploring student experiences of school datafication
New article in the Harvard Educational Review
In this analytical essay, part of Harvard Educational Review’s symposium on Platform Studies in Education, Ben Williamson, Kalervo N. Gulson, Carlo Perrotta, and Kevin...
Improving instructional video design: A systematic review
New systematic literature review on instructional video design principles.
Authors: Matt Fyfield, with DER members Michael Henderson and Michael Phillips
The most common theoretical lens used...
New peer-reviewed article on Ai-mediated writing
DER’s Carlo Perrotta and Neil Selwyn have a new article in New Media and Society, which takes a close look at “language models”, complex...
new paper in E-Learning & Digital Media
New article from Neil Selwyn arguing that environmental sustainability is *the* prevailing issue that needs to be addressed in considering what future forms of educational technology are possible ... if not preferable.
new paper in Educational Review
A new article examining how the promises of data-driven education (such as real-time feedback, individualised nudges, self-regulated learning) remain largely incompatible with the entrenched bureaucratic and professional logics of mass schooling.
new article in British Journal of Educational Studies
Neil Selwyn, Luci Pangrazio and Bronwyn Cumbo have another article published from their ARC-funded DP research project on schools and datafication.
New article: Engaging English language learners in digital multimodal composing: pre-service teachers’ perspectives and...
Dr Katrina Tour and Dr Melissa Barnes have a new article in Language and Education. Abstract below. The publisher offers 50 free...