Journal Article

Journal Article

new paper on Online Exam Proctoring

Neil Selwyn and colleagues from Monash and ANU have a new paper published on the emergence of online exam proctoring into Australian universities over the past 12 months - a case study of how controversial technology nevertheless becomes adopted as mainstream education practice.

new paper in Int. J. of Research & Method in Education

Bronwyn Cumbo and Neil Selwyn have authored a new methods paper from their ARC funded Discovery Project – overviewing the issues involved in bringing a Scandinavian cooperative inquiry approach to participatory design (PD) to education settings

New article: “It’s a Black Hole . . .”: Exploring Teachers’ Narratives and Practices...

Katrina Tour, Ed Creely and Peter Waterhouse have a new article in Adult Education Quarterly. The article draws on a 6-month...

new article: Exploring the use of attendance data within the datafied school

Another new paper from our ARC-funded research into the datafication of schools ... exploring ‘anticipatory’, ‘analytical’ and ‘administrative’ aspects of how digitally-mediated attendance data is produced, used and imagined by schools.

New article: Automation, APIs and the distributed labour of platform pedagogies in Google Classroom

Carlo Perrotta’s new article takes a critical look at the dominant role of Google Classroom as an ‘infrastructure for pedagogy’. The article,...

The human labour of school data

The second paper from our ARC funded project on the datafication of schools is now out in the Oxford Review of Education: "The human labour of school data: exploring the production of digital data in schools".

Programming the platform university: Learning analytics and predictive infrastructures in higher education

In this new article, Carlo Perrotta examines the sense making of Learning Analytics developers and the growing reliance on external dependencies and...

The realities of data-driven schooling

The first paper is out from our ARC-funded Discovery project on the coming together of data-driven practices and digital technologies in Australian schools.

new article: COVID-19: Unsettling What We See as Possible

Neil Selwyn has a new article in Postdigital Science & Education, where he is interviewed about the changing nature of EdTech during (and after) the COVID pandemic. The article covers a range of areas - making sense of remote schooling, how educational responses to the pandemic have varied around the world, the rise of AI in education, and whether we can be said to be living in 'post-digital' times.

New paper: Navigating four billion videos: teacher search strategies and the YouTube algorithm

Matthew Fyfield, a PhD student in the Faculty of Education at Monash University, has published a new article in Learning Media & Technology, with...