Considering Context: Teachers TPACK Development and Enactment

Considering Context: Teachers TPACK Development and Enactment


Mike Phillips, Matt Koehler and Josh Rosenberg have a new book chapter in theĀ Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education 2016 published by the Association for the Advancement of Computing Education (AACE).

Building on their previous work presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Mike, Matt and Josh have extended their exploration of contextual factors shaping teachers technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK).


Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) is a well-known theoretical framework that has reshaped contemporary understandings of the interplay between the forms of knowledge required by expert teachers. This paper draws on recent thinking and empirical data to shift the research focus to one which more closely examine the contexts in which TPACK is developed and enacted. In particular, this paper examines the way the knowledge and activities of teachers are dialogically linked to the contextual conditions that surround them by considering teachersā€™ knowledge, identity and practice as part of a situated, sociocultural context. Two conclusions result from this work indicating the enactment of TPACK in a Community of Practice is not always consensual and that the reification of TPACK enactment in a Community of Practice is influenced by the power dynamics of its members. Finally, an elaborated model for the context aspect of the TPACK framework and suggestions for future research are presented.