AJET Special Issue

AJET Special Issue


Together with Professor Judith B. Harris (College of William and Mary), Professor Matthew J Koehler (Michigan State University) and Joshua Rosenberg (Michigan State University), LNM’s Mike Phillips is an editor of a Special Issue of the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET).

This special issue of AJET addresses future directions in TPACK research and development, and is the first TPACK-themed journal issue to do so. Its contributors represent the methodological, substantive, and geographical diversity of the TPACK community. Their papers focus on recent models, interpretations, and implementations of the construct; emerging and varied ways to measure TPACK; innovative professional development approaches that help experienced teachers to build TPACK; new ways to depict and develop TPACK within preservice and in-service teacher education, and nascent work that connects teachers’ pedagogical reasoning with their TPACK and its enactment.