new paper on devices in the classroom & BYOD

new paper on devices in the classroom & BYOD


A new article from our ARC project has just been published in the Oxford Review of Education. Titled ‘Left to their own devices: the everyday realities of ‘one-to-one’ classrooms‘, the article explores how laptops, tablets and smartphones are changing the nature of schools – especially as schools attempt to implement ‘one-to-one’ programs where teaching and learning is expected to take place through students’ devices.

In particular, the paper highlights the ways in which staff and students negotiate (in)appropriate technology engagement; the ordinary (rather than extraordinary) ways that students make use of their devices in classrooms; and the device-related tensions now beginning to arise in schools. Rather than constituting a radically ‘transformational’ form of schooling, the paper considers how the heightened presence of personal technologies is becoming subsumed into existing micro-politics of school organisation and control.