Massive Open Online Change? Exploring the Discursive Construction of the ‘MOOC’ in...

Massive Open Online Change? Exploring the Discursive Construction of the ‘MOOC’ in Newspapers


hequScott Bulfin, Luci Pangrazio and Neil Selwyn have a new paper in Higher Education Quarterly. The paper comes from LNM’s recent project (funded under the Gate Foundation MRI program) on the discursive construction of MOOCs in mainstream news media across the US, UK and Australia.

Drawing on detailed analysis of 457 newspaper articles published between 2011 and 2013, the paper explores a predominant portrayal of MOOCs in relation to the massification, marketization and monetization of higher education, rather than engaging in debate of either ‘technological’ or ‘educational’ issues such as online learning and pedagogy, instructional design or student experience.

An early view version of the paper can be accessed here (Wiley paywall).