LNM in South-East Asia

LNM in South-East Asia

LNM's Mike Phillips has recently been travelling throughout South-East Asia with keynote presentations in Indonesia and professional learning days in Malaysia and Indonesia.


LNM’s Mike Phillips has recently been in Kuala Lumpur where he presented an 8 hour professional development day to 110 teachers from local and international schools.

The day revolved around Mike’s expertise in technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) and saw teachers using this framework to understand and design their own augmented reality applications, multi-modal feedback and to explore challenges integrating technologies into their schools through design thinking activities.

The day was held in the wonderful Bahamian Teknologi Pendidikan facility and was co-sponsored by the Victorian Education Department.

Mike will soon be returning to Indonesia to deliver a keynote presentation at the Association of National Private Schools conference in Bogor and he will then we working with 60 teachers in Jakarta in another day long professional development workshop.