DER in Las Vegas

DER in Las Vegas


DER members Ed Creely, Michael Henderson, Michael Phillips, Ralph Saubern, and Katerina Tour presented their research in Las Vegas at the annual SITE (Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education) conference.

Congratulations to Ralph Saubern and Michael Phillips along with their co-authors Daniel Urbach and Matthew Koehler for their award winning paper: A construct map for TPACK: developing an empirically derived description of increasing TPACK proficiency.

Ralph is a PhD student under the supervision of Michael Phillips and Michael Henderson. The paper which he led was recognized through a blind peer review process by international peers in the TPACK SIG. A truly wonderful achievement!

Other papers the group presented were:

  • EAL teachers’ professional learning about digital literacies: a socio-material perspective
  • Failing to succeed: The value of failure in creativity
  • Enhancing assessment feedback with audio, video and screencast technologies
  • What do published abstracts reveal about the TPACK research community? Let us tell you!
  • What do Teacher Educators think of Teacher Education Technology Competencies?
  • Practicing and prospective teachers’ pedagogical reasoning about using technology in their educational practice