Children + Participatory Design + Sustainable Futures Symposium

Children + Participatory Design + Sustainable Futures Symposium


We would like to invite researchers to the Children + Participatory Design + Sustainable Futures Symposium 2020 @ Monash University on Friday 14th February.

This is a transdisciplinary research symposium that aims to bring together researchers carrying out research related to these three areas to share knowledge and practice, and forge new networks and collaborations.

Creative and critical discussions will be encouraged around the following three themes:

  1. Child and youth participation and citizenship – opportunities and challenges
  2. How can we support the participation of children and youth? Critical and creative methods and case studies.
  3. Where to next? Envisioning new possibilities for interdisciplinary collaborations. 

Three keynote speakers will kick-off each thematic discussion with a longer-form presentation. Keynote speakers include:

  • Sarah Pink (Monash Art, Design and Architecture & Faculty of Information Technology)
  • Iris Duhn (Monash Education)
  • Marilyn Fleer and the Conceptual Play Lab (Monash Education)

These presentations will be followed by facilitated ‘burst’ discussions around particular thematic areas. We do not expect researchers to formally present research findings, but to share their experiences in an informal, critical setting – raising key questions, problematising received wisdoms and/or workshopping some emerging ideas.

Event Details

Date: Friday 14 February 2020
Time: 9.30am – 4.30pm. Check-in opens at 9.30am for the symposium to commence at 9.45am. Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.
Venue: Room 3.31 (level 3)
              Learning and Teaching building
              19 Ancora Imparo Way,
              Monash University Clayton campus, VIC 3800 Map


Please register for the event as places are limited. When completing the registration form, include a brief summary (100 words) about you and your research interests to help us tailor the final program: Registration Form

A full program will be provided closer to the event to reflect the interests of registrants.

If you have any further queries please contact Bronwyn Cumbo at