ACEC2012 Conference – a wild success for LNMRG

ACEC2012 Conference – a wild success for LNMRG


acec2012Congratulations to our LNMRG members, Fellows, and HDR students who attended, and presented at ACEC2012, a prestigious biennial meeting of the Australian Council for Computers in Education and its State affiliates.

The topics were diverse including a study of gender differences in computer science enrolments, the use of videos in assessment feedback, and an insight into recent curriculum changes in the UK.

Dr Michael Henderson and four of his research students presented a total of six papers.

Gendered differences in the participation of computer science studies in Australian tertiary education

Shu-Hua Chao, PhD candidate
Dr Michael Henderson

Video feedback on student assessment: scarily personal, powerfully clear

Dr Michael Henderson
Michael Phillips, PhD candidate

Collaborative inquiry: building pre-service teachers’ capacity for ICT pedagogical integration

Dr Michael Henderson,
Milorad Cerovac,
Natalie Bellis,
Greg Lancaster

Teachers negotiation of a joint enterprise of integrating technology in a school CoP

Siti Nazuar Sailin, PhD candidate
Dr Michael Henderson

ELearning Coaches as Brokers of Practice Within and Across Schools

Pennie White, PhD candidate
Dr Michael Henderson

The role of community in teachers’ knowledge development

Mike Phillips, PhD candidate

neil-selwyn_1Dr Neil Selwyn who is taking up a professorial post with Monash University in November, provided an engaging keynote: Schools and computers – so where now? A cautionary tale from the UK

Also, two of our LNMRG Fellows, Prof Geoff Romeo and Dr Donna Gronn, also presented a total of 5 papers (see the ACEC2012 site for full details).