New ARC funding success!

New ARC funding success!


The DER Group is very pleased to have been awarded one of the 2019 ‘Discovery’ grants from the Australian Research Council. A team of DER researchers (Neil Selwyn, Dragan Gasevic, Michael Henderson and Luci Pangrazio) has been awarded $352k for their project ‘Data-smart schools: enhancing the use of digital data in secondary schools‘. This project aims to investigate the use of digital data in schools to identify ways to improve its capture and use. Masses of digital data are generated within schools every day, but despite its potential, this data remains poorly used and understood. The project intends to work with school communities in order to develop innovative data tools and techniques that make more effective use of the data. The project will provide new insights into the technical, informatics, organisational and social issues surrounding the (re)use of digital data in schools and the development of digital data ‘best practice’ models. This project should provide benefits in terms of improved teaching and learning, parent engagement and use of infrastructure investment.