Prof Geoff Romeo

Prof Geoff Romeo


Geoff_RomeoProfessor Romeo has a PhD from Monash University and has conducted research into the development of instructional strategies for the integration of ICTs in the primary curriculum, the use of touchscreen technology in the classroom, the use of ICTs in education, and the use and development of online learning applications in higher education. He has written extensively on ICT in Education especially in primary and secondary schools. Along with his higher degree students he has investigated, science software in Saudi Arabia, Maths software in Sri Lanka, online applications in Singapore, and expert systems for diagnosing water quality. While at Monash, Professor Romeo was the ICT team leader providing specialist advice and research services to DWEER; reports include the use of mobile technologies in the classroom, barriers to the uptake of ICTs, and review of research on the use of interactive whiteboards. From 1976 to 1990 Professor Romeo was a primary teacher with the Education Department of Victoria. He has taught in a number of schools in Victoria and in 1989 he was an International Teaching Fellow at Galveston Elementary School in Arizona, USA. Professor Romeo was at Monash Education from 1991 – 2009 and served as the Associate Dean, Teaching. He is a past member of Monash University’s HEPCIT (Higher Education Partnerships in Communication and Information Technology) Committee and a former member of the Standards Council for the Teaching Profession (SCTP). Currently he is the Editor of Australian Educational Computing, a board member of the Australian Council for Computers in Education and a past President of Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Victoria (ICTEV). Professor Romeo has presented lectures, workshops, and conference papers nationally and to audiences in US, UK, Denmark, Hungary, Singapore, South Africa, Chile, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar. In 2004 Professor Romeo received state and national awards for outstanding leadership in ICT in Education and was made a fellow of the Australian Council of Computers in Education in 2010. He joined the Faculty of Education at the Australian Catholic University as the Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning in 2010.

Research interests:

Primary Education, Learning Technologies, Curriculum, Action Research, Technology in Education, eLearning, Online Learning, Information and Communication Technology in Education, Computers in Education.


Selected Research Outputs (2007-2010)


Romeo, G. I. and Russell, G (2010) Why “what works” is not enough for ICT in education research In McDougall, A. (ed.), Researching IT in Education: Theory, Practice and Future Directions. Routledge (Book Chapter)

Romeo, G. I (2008) Information and communication technologies in education: curriculum and pedagogy issues (Chapter 3)in Researching pedagogies, practice and learning with information and communication technologies (ICT) in education, Yelland, N., Neal, G. and Davich, E. (eds) Sense Publishing The Netherlands (Book Chapter)


Henderson, M., Romeo, G., Auld, G., Holkner, B., Russell, G., Seah, W. & Fernando, A. (2010). Students creating digital video in the primary classroom: student autonomy, learning outcomes, and professional learning communities. Australian Educational Computing. Vol 24 No 2 (Journal Article)


Romeo, G.I. and Latheef, I. (2010) Using Cultural-Historical Activity Theory to Investigate Interactive Whiteboards in Gronn, D and Romeo, G.I. (eds) (2010) ACEC2010: Digital persity. Conference Proceedings of the Australian Computers in Education Conference 2010, Melbourne, Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACEC) and Information and Communications Technologies in Education, Victoria (ICTEV), Carlton Victoria

Holkner, B., Romeo, G., Henderson, M., Auld, G. Russell, G, Seah,W., and Fernando, A (2008). Exemplar Schools: Using Innovative Technologies ACEC 2008 Australian Conference for Computers in Education, Adelaide, Australia


Gronn, D and Romeo, G.I. (eds) (2010) ACEC2010 Digital persity: Conference Proceedings of the Australian Computers in Education Conference 2010 Melbourne, Australian Concil for Computers in Education (ACCE) and Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Victoria (ICTEV) Carlton Victoria

Romeo, G.I. (ed) (2010) Australian Educational Computing Volume 24 Number 2 (Editorship)

Romeo, G.I. (2010) Editorial in Australian Educational Computing April Vol 24 No 2 pp2-3 (Editorial)

Romeo, G., Holkner, B., Henderson, M., Auld, G. Russell, G, Seah,W., and Fernando, A. (2009).Exemplary Use of Learning Technologies in Australian Schools. Exploring ICT in Education Conference March 7-8 Doha, Qatar (Conference Paper)

Romeo, G.I. (ed) (2009) Australian Educational Computing Volume 24 Number 1 (Editorship)

Romeo, G.I. (2009) Editorial in Australian Educational Computing Dec Vol 24 No 1 pp2-3 (Editorial)

“it’s all about” (video) (2009) Exploring ICT in Education Conference March 7-8 Doha, Qatar available at

Romeo, G.I. (2008) Editorial in Australian Educational Computing Dec Vol 23 No 2 p2 (Editorial)

Romeo, G.I. (ed) (2008) Australian Educational Computing Volume 23 Number 2 (Editorship)

Holkner, B., Romeo, G., Henderson, M., Auld, G. Russell, G, Seah,W., and Fernando, A. (2008). Exemplar Schools: Using Innovative Learning Technologies Report prepared for Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Work Place Relations, Monash University. Available at