


a complete change in the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that that thing or person is improved

In an increasingly complex and digitally mediated world, the Digital Transformation Lab provides a critical examination of how, when and why digital technologies can (and can’t) be used to positively impact teaching and learning and aims to answer the question ‘Can technologies completely change the appearance and character of teaching and learning so it is improved’?

The Digital Transformation Lab draws together people who share a passion for exploring the ways in which digital technologies shape teaching and learning. The Lab is therefore the people not the place.

The Lab is directed by Associate Professor Mike Phillips, and at its core includes several researchers drawn from the Digital Education Research Group. Fellow researchers, visiting scholars and PhD students join the lab from time to time as their work aligns with ours.

The Lab

Dr Jo Blannin

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education, Monash University

Professor Michael Phillips

Associate Professor, Monash University

Dr Amber McLeod

Lecturer, Faculty of Education, Monash University

Prof Michael Henderson

Professor Digital Futures


Monash Virtual School

The Monash Virtual School initiative was developed during the COVID-19 pandemic which saw large scale moves to virtual teaching and learning. This...

Revisioning public spaces for education through augmented reality applications

Dr Michael Phillips is proud to be leading a research team with Dr Denise Chapman and Dr Jon Li exploring the use of Augmented Reality in...

Second Language Acquisition in Virtual Worlds

Project Overview Virtual worlds such as Second Life are particularly well suited for teaching and learning second languages. Students can immerse themselves in linguistically appropriate environments (e.g....

Technology mediated assessment feedback

Welcome! In the above sections we explain how to use technology for feedback, what to include, why this approach has been proven to be...

What works and why? Understanding successful technology-enabled learning within institutional contexts

Support for this project has been provided by the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. The views in this project do not necessarily reflect...

Recent publications

Upcoming Events

International Society for Quantitative Ethnography webinar

This webinar will feature The LAb’s Mike Phillips along with Hazel Vega Quesada from Clemson University (USA) and they will introduce the idea of Participatory Quantitative Ethnography (PQE) in which research participants are given active roles in meaning making. The session will draw on examples from a number of different research projects which have begun to use different PQE techniques. From these examples opportunities and challenges associated with new tools and methods along with ethical issues associated with participant involvement in the QE process will be raised in the hope they  spark fruitful conversations and collaborations that advance explorations and understandings of PQE.

September 13, 3PM (CST), 10PM (CET), 6AM+1day (AEST)

This is a free event but registration is required.


ICQE webinar September 2021

Past Events

Launch event: Teaching with technologies: Is TPACK still relevant?

The launch of the Digital Transformation Lab occurred on Thursday 5 November 2020. We were thrilled to have two great friends of the Lab – Professor Punya Mishra and Professor Judi Harris – join us to discuss the future of arguably the world’s most influential educational technology integration model.

Knowing how to teach with technologies is arguably more important now than ever before. The technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) framework has become the world’s most widely recognised way of understanding what teachers need to know in order to effectively integrate digital technologies to support learning.

But is TPACK still relevant? In this seminar you can hear from one of the original developers of TPACK, Professor Punya Mishra, and international scholars Professor Judi Harris and Associate Professor Michael Phillips. They will question whether TPACK is still relevant, offering new critical insights for researchers, educational leaders and educators.

Is TPACK still relevant?


Positioning the Technologies Curriculum: A Snapshot of Australian Initial Teacher Education Programs

The Digital Transformation Lab is part of the Digital Education Research Group (DER), based in the Faculty of Education at Monash University. In this presentation, our esteemed colleagues Amber McLeod and Jo Blannin will shared insights from their review of how technologies are positioned in ITE programs across 32 Australian Universities. To find out more about this work, please feel free to contact Amber and Jo.

Positioning the Technologies Curriculum: A Snapshot of Australian Initial Teacher Education Programs

The Digital Transformation Lab welcome contact from potential research students, collaborators or educators who are interested in our work.

Please contact us at: