‘Researching Social Media’ seminar (22nd Nov)

‘Researching Social Media’ seminar (22nd Nov)


Join us for an informal lunchtime conversation between three researchers who are all beginning to explore various aspects of social media, education & society. We’ll be talking through the empirical, theoretical and practical challenges of researching the shifting digital contexts that increasingly mediate everyday society.

  • Rosie Welch:  Social Media Practices & Food Pedagogies
  • Luci Pangrazio:  What’s New About ‘Fake News’? 
  • Kristin Reimer:  Education Controversies: Listening ‘Below The Line’


Time/Date: Wednesday 22nd November (1200 to 1300)

Location: Monash Faculty of Education, 29 Ancora Imparo Way
Room G08 (‘Dean’s Conference Room’)