LNM success in European conferences

LNM success in European conferences


A number of LNM researchers have been successful in getting papers accepted for the European autumn conference season. Luci Pangrazio will be presenting at the 2016 Oxford University ‘Internet, Policy & Politics’ conference in September with a paper titled: “Technologically Situated – The Tacit Rules of Platform Participation“.

In addition, LNM has had two papers accepted for the Association of Internet Researchers Conference (AOIR) conference in Berlin (October). Both these papers derive from the ARC-funded ‘Making a digital difference’ project. Selena Nemorin will be presenting “Modulating student subjectivities: digital affects in online spaces“, while Nicola Johnson will be presenting “You’re always online: negotiating internet temporalities in the secondary school“.

Congratulations to all – these have proven to be highly competitive conferences to get accepted in!