LNM in Mexico City

LNM in Mexico City


openmidcambioNeil Selwyn was one of three invited international speakers at the launch of the BBVA Foundation’s ‘Cambio’ book on the internet and societal change. The event was held in Mexico City on December 4th in celebration of the book, commissioned as part of BBVA’s ‘Open Mind’ initiative which aims to share knowledge and debate freely throughout the Spanish-speaking and English-speaking world. Neil spoke around the topics raised in his book chapter on ‘The Internet and Education‘ – his talk can be viewed on the #Openmindcambio video stream from the night (Neil appears from 30:40 mins to 50:40 mins).

Full copies of the book are available free of charge in English and Spanish. Other authors in the book include Manuel Castells, Yochai Benkler, David Crystal, Evgeny Morozov and Edward Castranova.

Newspaper articles (in Spanish) arising from press interviews before the event include: ‘Esculea 2.0‘ in 24 Horas.