Funding Success – Cybersafety in early childhood education

Funding Success – Cybersafety in early childhood education


auDA_FoundationWe are pleased to announce a new project on Cybersafey in early childhood education has been funded by the auDA foundation.

The lead investigators include LNM Fellow A/Prof Susan Edwards from ACU and LNM Member Michael Henderson from Monash. The team also includes Professors Helen Skouteris and Andrea Nolan from Deakin University.

In contrast to primary and secondary school, cyber-safety education for children aged 4-5 years in the pre-school years is virtually non-existent. This project not only aims to add to our ability to provide useful guidance for cyber-safety education in the early years but also to develop a better understanding of what young children understand about the digital media they engage with (particularly internet enabled media)  and how that shapes their behaviour.