Connecting literacy learning outside of school to the Australian Curriculum in the...

Connecting literacy learning outside of school to the Australian Curriculum in the middle years


Glenn Auld
Nicola F. Johnson
Year of publication: 2014

literacy_learningGlenn Auld and Nicola F. Johnson have just published a new journal article in Literacy Learning, entitled ‘Connecting literacy learning outside of school to the Australian Curriculum in the middle years’.


The complexity of teacher’s work is manifest in the divergent use of digital technologies in and out of school. This paper explores the logical step of connecting students’ out-of-school mediated literacy learning to the content descriptors of the Australian Curriculum. The study uses published evidence from four previous studies of young people to demonstrate the diverse ways that out-of-school practices can be linked to literacy learning in the Australian Curriculum. We frame this linking of informal literacy learning to the Australian Curriculum by highlighting the ‘funds of knowledge’ children bring through the school gate.

The full reference is: Auld, G. & Johnson, N. F. (2014). Connecting literacy learning outside of school to the Australian Curriculum in the middle years. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years, 22(2), 22-27.