Come and work with us: Senior Lecturer in Digital Technologies and Associate...

Come and work with us: Senior Lecturer in Digital Technologies and Associate Professor in Digital Transformation


We are very pleased to announce two positions in the Faculty of Education at Monash University, both to be affiliated with the DER group.  

Senior Lecturer in Digital Technologies (Level C): the successful candidate will work towards advancing and achieving the Faculty’s strategic research priorities through a program of research in this area. The appointment will require a track record of high-quality scholarly activity and ability to teach into the Digital Technologies curriculum as part of a strong Initial Teacher Education program at undergraduate and graduate levels. Full position description here. Click here to apply.  

Associate Professor in Digital Transformation (Level D):  the successful candidate will contribute to the Faculty’s research program in this area. This program prioritises exploring and improving, through educational research, how education contributes to living justly and sustainably now and into the future. A particular focus of the position is to examine the educational implications of established and emerging digital technologies and practices in a super-diverse world. An excellent track record of scholarly activity is required. Applicants must also be able to teach into initial teacher education programs at undergraduate and graduate level in the curriculum field of digital technologies, as well as contribute to the broader studies of educational technologies, including digital enabled instructional design. Full position description here. Click here to apply.