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DER on the SBS ‘Insight’ show
Neil Selwyn was a featured guest on last night's episode of Insight which focused on 'How Are Schools Grappling With Screens?'. The show featured a range of schools, students, teachers and parents sharing their experiences with technology at school. Neil features mainly in the final quarter, adding some caveats to the hype that often surrounds technology use in education.
Data points: exploring data-driven reforms of education
Neil Selwyn has a new review article published in the British Journal of Sociology of Education. The article overviews recent writing on the rising use of digital data in schools and university education, reflecting on areas of further research, analysis and action.
new article in International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
Neil Selwyn has a new open access article in the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education - titled "More than tools? Making sense of the ongoing digitizations of higher education". The article is co-authored with Linda Castañeda from the Universidad de Murcia in Spain.
Sky News debate on mobile phones and schools
Neil Selwyn was a guest on the Beattie & Newman show talking about the pros and cons of having mobile phones in schools. The appearance on Sky News was a continuation of recent media interest in an emerging trend for Australian schools to ban phones in the classroom - moves that were supported by comments from the Federal Minister for Education.
Doing data differently? Developing personal data tactics & strategies amongst young people
Neil Selwyn and Luci Pangrazio have a new article published as part of their AuDA Foundation funded research into young people's personal data practices. The article is published in the open access journal 'Big Data & Society' - one of the leading journals in the emerging inter-disciplinary area of digital data studies.
The problems with learning analytics? LAK18 Keynote
Neil Selwyn was one of the keynote speakers at the 8th international 'Learning Analytics & Knowledge' conference. This annual event features a range of contributors from the learning sciences, data sciences and psychology disciplines, as well as from academic, commercial and practitioner backgrounds. Neil was invited to talk about 'outsider' perspectives on learning analytics - especially the some of the key concerns that are being raised as learning analytics becomes more embedded in education settings.
Teachers ‘liking’ their work? Exploring the realities of teacher Facebook groups
Neil Selwyn has a new paper in the British Educational Research Journal titled "Teachers ‘liking’ their work? Exploring the realities of teacher Facebook groups". The paper focuses on the digital labor implicit in teachers' participation in a 13,000 strong online Facebook group focused on Flipped Classroom activities. While these groups are often celebrated as a source of networked professional learning, this paper explores characteristics of the Facebook group that constituted disadvantaging, exploitative and/or disempowering forms of technological engagement.
Social Media & Education
Neil Selwyn is co-editor of a new collection of essays titled 'Social Media and Education: Now the Dust Has Settled'. The book - published by Routledge - is co-edited with Eve Stirling from Sheffield Hallam University (UK). It features essays from scholars around the world - including the UK, US, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and South Africa.
funding success: Agencia Nacional de Investigation e Innovacion
Luci Pangrazio and Neil Selwyn have just been awarded a research grant from the Uruguayan National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII - Agencia Nacional de Investigation e Innovacion). Their two-year project will focus on the development of digital data literacy with so-called 'tweens' (i.e. 8 to 12 year olds). Research with Australian students will be conducted in parallel with comparative studies in Uruguay led by the project partners from Universidad ORT.
Welcome to Sandra Dorado Gómez
LNM welcomes Sandra Dorado Gómez – a visiting scholar from the Stellae research group at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Sandra is working with colleagues from LNM for three months (September to December 2017) – funded by the Spanish Government’s Program of Training of University Teachers (FPU). She is working in the area of digital literacy and young people – developing a range of methodological approaches towards, and theoretical understandings of, the development of digital literacies in family and social contexts.