Call for Papers: Learning Analytics in Higher Education – Stakeholders, Strategies, and Scale

Call for Papers: Learning Analytics in Higher Education – Stakeholders, Strategies, and Scale

Many higher education institutions have made much early investment in learning analytics. Still, there are remaining challenges that need to be resolved to demonstrate the impact of learning analytics in higher education. This special issue focuses on the three main challenges commonly reported in the literature – stakeholder perspectives and involvementstrategy development and enactment, and scalable implementations. There has been particularly limited research on perspectives and involvement of all stakeholder groups in institutional planning and implementation of learning analytics. Although some pioneering work has been done on the development of learning analytics policy, there have been insufficient reports on the ways institutions develop and enact strategies for adoption of learning analytics. Finally, while there have been many studies showing some significant results in higher education, there has been insufficient research on the ways to scale such approaches to unveil a wide-institutional adoption and impact.
This special issue aims to publish a collection of papers dedicated to learning analytics in higher education with the particular focus on stakeholders, strategies, and scalability. Specifically, the topics of the special issue include but are not limited to:
  • Stakeholder attitudes towards and experience with learning analytics in higher education
  • Participatory design and co-creation of learning analytics in higher education
  • Approaches to the involvement of stakeholders in planning and implementation of learning analytics in higher education
  • Frameworks for development of learning analytics strategy and strategic implementation in higher education
  • Leadership models for planning and implementation of learning analytics in higher education
  • Quality, institutional monitoring and organisational learning in strategic implementation of learning analytics
  • Approaches to scaling adoption and impact of learning analytics in higher education
  • Models of innovation diffusion for learning analytics in higher education
  • Case studies about the stakeholder involvement, strategic implementation, and scalable projects in learning analytics on institutional and national levels.
This special issue of the Internet and Higher Education calls for papers that address the above gaps by reporting on a combination of theoretical/conceptual and empirically validated findings. The accepted papers will contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field of learning analytics and offer a sound empirical base that can motivate and inform practice. Submissions that build bridges between learning analytics and other related disciplines to enhance impact are especially welcome.
  • Full manuscript submission: 31 March 2019
  • Reviews: 15 July 2019
  • Revisions: 15 September 2019
  • Acceptance: 30 November 2019
Full manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the Internet and Higher Education guidelines ( and submitted via the journal’s portal (, making sure to select the relevant special issue name. Manuscripts must not be published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Only full papers intended for review, not abstracts, should be submitted via the journal portal. Each full manuscript will be subjected to peer review and will be assessed both on the research quality and relevance to the special issue.
Special Issue Editors
  • Dragan Gašević, Monash University
  • Yi-Shan Tsai, The University of Edinburgh
  • Hendrik Drachsler, Goethe University of Frankfurt and the Open University of the Netherlands