Funding success – Personal Data Literacies project

Funding success – Personal Data Literacies project


Congratulations to LNM’s Luci Pangrazio who has been awarded research funding in the latest round of auDA Foundation grants. The project is titled “Data Smart: Developing Teenagers’ Personal Data Literacies” and will focus on young people’s critical literacies around their personal data. In particular the project will use data-mining and data-visualisation techniques to work with groups of young people (14-18yrs) in developing better understandings of their own personal data. From a practical point of view, the project will result in the development of a set of open educational resources which can be used by schools, youth groups and families to improve teenagers’ personal data literacy. From an academic perspective, the project will continue work in the LMN group in extending understandings of the ways that young people engage with personal data.