Dr Glenn Russell

Dr Glenn Russell


Glenn_RussellGlenn was a founding member of the Centre for Educational Multimedia (now Learning with New Media Research Group) and has made valuable contributions to national and international knowledge in the area of ICT in Education. Glenn passed away peacefully on Aug 31, 2009. He had been battling illness for quite a number of years but he was always positive, and maintained his sense of humour and commitment to his students and his scholarship

Dr Glenn Russell taught in country and suburban schools in Victoria for nearly twenty years before becoming foundation lecturer in Computer Education at Griffith University, where he developed undergraduate and graduate courses. He joined the Faculty of Education at Monash University in 1999. He had an international reputation in virtual schooling, cyberspace, and educational uses of hypertext. In later years his research also included ethical uses of information and communications technology in school education, educational futures in globalised environments, and responsibilities in online schools.


A selection of publications:

Co-authored by Glenn Russell, this textbook focuses on transforming learning and teaching with ICT by assisting future and practising teachers to make IT happen!
Co-authored by Glenn Russell, this textbook focuses on transforming learning and teaching with ICT by assisting future and practising teachers to make IT happen!

Finger, G., Russell, G., Jamieson-Proctor, R., Russell, N., 2007, Transforming Learning With ICT: Making IT Happen, Pearson Education, Frenchs Forest NSW Australia.

Russell, G., 2009, Ethical concerns with open and distance learning, in Ethical Practices and Implications in Distance Learning, eds Ugur Demiray and Ramesh C. Sharma, Information Science Publishing, New York, pp. 65-79.

Russell, G., Finger, G., 2007, ICTs and tomorrow’s teachers: Informing and improving the ICT undergraduate experience, in Handbook of Teacher Education: Globalization, Standards and Professionalism in Times of Change, eds Tony Townsend and Richard Bates, Springer, Dordrecht The Netherlands, pp. 627-640.

Henderson, M., Auld, G., Holkner, B., Russell, G., Seah, W.T., Fernando, A.E., Romeo, G., 2010, Students creating digital video in the primary classroom: Student autonomy, learning outcomes, and professional learning communities, Australian Educational Computing [P], vol 24, issue 2, Australian Council for Computers in Education, Australia, pp. 12-20.

Russell, G. (2007). Globalization, Distance Education and Hegemonic Futures. The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 8(4). Available: http://tojde.anadolu.edu.tr/ .

Finger, G., Russell, G., Jamieson-Proctor, R., and Russell, N. (2006). Transforming Learning with ICT: Making it Happen.French’s Forest, NSW: Pearson.

Russell, G. (2006.) Globalization, Ethics and Online Environments. Paper presented at ACEC 2006 Australian Computers in Education Conference, October 2-4 Cairns Queensland.

Russell, G. (2006). Virtual Schools: Reflections on Key Issues. In J. Weiss, J. Nolan and P. Trifonas (Eds) International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments (pp. 329-342). Netherlands, Spriner.

Russell, G. (2006). Online and virtual schooling in Europe. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning. Available: http://www.eurodl.org/materials/contrib/2006/Glenn_Russell.htm

Russell, G. (2006). Globalization, Responsibility and Virtual Schools. Australian Journal of Education.50(2), 140-154.

Russell, G. (2005). Interactive Computer Learning and Virtual Schooling. In M.L Auer, U. Auer, and Mittermeir (Eds.) ICL 2005 Interactive Computer Learning: Ambient and Mobile Learning Conference, Villach Austria, September 28-30 2005 (Online). Villach: Carinthia Tech Institute and Kassel University Press.

Russell, G. (2005). The Distancing Question in Online Education. (Online). Innovate: Journal of Online Education. Available at: http://horizon.unc.edu/innovate/

Russell, G. (2005).The Knowledge Economy and Virtual Schooling. Paper presented at ECER 2005 (European Conference on Educational Research, Dublin, Ireland, 7-10 September 2005.)Available: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/educol/documents/142870.htm.

Russell, G., (2005) Virtual Schools. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (Vol. 3, pp. 3002-3006) Hershey: Ideas Group

Russell, G. (2005). The Problems and Possibilities of Virtual Schools. In J. Boettcher, C. Howard, L. Justice and K. Schenk (Eds) Encyclopedia of Online Learning and Technology. Hershey: Ideas Group

Russell, G. (2005). Implications of Virtual Schooling for Socialization and Community. In S. Dasgupta. (Ed) Encyclopedia of Virtual Communities and Technologies. Hershey: Ideas Group

Finger, G and Russell, G.(2005). Principles and Priorities of ICT research for the Knowledge Economy. Paper presentation at ECER 2005 (European Conference on Educational Research, Dublin, Ireland, 7-10 September 2005.)Available: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/educol/documents/142996.htm

Finger, G and Russell, G. (2005). ICTs and Teacher Education: Digital Portfolios Digital Storytelling, Reflection and Deep Learning. Conference Paper presented at Australian Teacher Education Association Conference, Queensland Australia 6-9 July 2005.

Russell, G. (2005). Emerging Technologies and ICTE. Paper presented at Actively Interactive – 2005 Annual Conference, ICTEV Annual Conference, 21 May, 2005.

Russell, G. (2004). The Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Schools. ICT in Education,7 (1), 6-8.

Russell, G. (2004) Virtual Schools: A Critique of Two Models: Paper presented at ACEC 2004 Australian Computers in Education Conference Adelaide 5-8 July 2004

Finger, G., and Russell, G. (2004). Teacher Education in an Online World. Paper presentated at ACEC 2004 Australian Computers in Education Conference Adelaide 5-8 July 2004

Russell, G. (2004). The Distancing Dilemma in Distance Education. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning (Online), February – available: http://www.itdl.org/journal/Feb_04/article03.htm

Russell, G (2004). Virtual Schools: A critical View. In C. Cavanaugh (Ed)Development and Management of Virtual Schools: Issues and Trends. Hershey: Ideas Group.

Russell, G. (2003). Implications of Virtual Schooling. Global-Ed, Nov-Dec 2003. Available: http://www.globaled.com/articles/GlennRussell2003.pdf

Russell, G (2003). Implications of Virtual Schools. ICE in Education, 26(1), 3-5

Russell, G. (2003). Virtual Schools. Professional Educator, 2(3), 14-15.

Russell, G. (2003). The Potential and Problems of Virtual Schooling. The Welsh Journal of Education,12(1), 40-52

Russell, G. and Finger, G (2003) Teacher Education Futures: Implications of Teaching and Learning in an Online World. Paper Presented to the ICET/ACEA Conference, Melbourne, Australia, July 20-25, 2003.

Russell, G, and Romeo, G. (2003). Pre-Service Teachers Self-Perceptions of ICTE. Paper Presented to the ICET/ACEA Conference, Melbourne, Australia, July 20-25, 2003.

Russell, G (2003). Potential Problems of Computer-Mediated School Education. In T.J van Weert and R. K Munro (Eds), .Informatics and the Digital Society: Social, Ethical and Cognitive Issues. Proceedings of the IFIP TC3/WG3.1&3.2 Open Conference on Social, Ethical and Cognitive Issues of Informatics and ICT July 22-26, 2002, Dortmund, Germany , pages 277-283. Boston: Kluwer

Russell, G. (2002). Responsibility for school education in an online globalised world. Focus paper presented to Technology Colleges Trust Vision 2020 Online Conference (UK), 2002

Russell, G. (2002). Ethical Concerns about Virtual Schools. Journal of Religious and Theological Information, 5(1), 31-48.

Russell, G. (2002). Potential Problems of Computer-Mediated School Education. Paper presented at the SEC111-IFIP Education Open Conference on Social, Ethical and Cognitive Issues of Informatics and ICT: Dortmund, Germany July 22-26 2002.

Russell, G. (2001) .Educazione scolastica mediata dal computer e dal Web (2001). Psychiatryonline. (Traduzione di Anna Fata su gentile concessione dell’Autore e di Edward Valauskas, Editore di First Monday, su cui stato pubblicato l’articolo per la prima volta) Available http://www.psychiatryonline.it/ital/russell.htm

Russell, G., (2001). Virtual Schools and Educational Futures. Educational Technology 41(6), 55-57.

Russell, G., and Holmes, D. (2001) Escape Velocity: Implications of Students’ use of Information and Communications Technologies. Information, Technology and Society, 2(1), 73-87

Russell, G. (2001). Computer Mediated School Education and the Web. Available: First Monday, volume 6, number 11 (November 2001), URL: http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue6_11/russell/index.html

Russell, G. (2001). Is there virtue in virtual? EQ Australia 3, 9-10. Available: http://www.curriculum.edu.au/curriculum/eqaust/eq_01/russell.htm

Russell, G. (2001). Virtual Schools: An Educational Challenge. Virtual Paper Presented to the Conference at Spetses, Greece, 2001

Russell, G. (2001). Virtual schools: An Educational Challenge. Keynote Virtual presentation presented at Teachers International Professional Development (TIPD) Virtual Conference at http://www.cybertext.net.au/tipd/keynote.htm

Russell, G. (2001). Russell, G. Virtual Schools, Real Concerns. Electronic School 3, 16-18. Also available at: http://www.electronic.school.com

Russell, G. and Russell, N (2001). Virtualisation and the Late Age of Schools. Melbourne Studies in Education, 42(1) 25-44.

Russell, G. (2001). Is Virtual Schooling a Virtual Reality? FromNowOn, 10(6), available: http://fno.org/mar01/covmar.html

Russell, G. (2000). Learning in 2010 without a safety Net. Education Age October 25, 2000, p. 14.

Russell, G., Finger, G., and Russell, N. (2000). Information Technology Skills of Australian Teachers: Implications for School Education. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education 9(2), 149-166.

Russell, G. (2000). Implications of the 1999 DEETYA Report for Professional Development in Learning Technology. Paper presented to Australian Computers in Education Conference, July 2000. Available: http://www.cegv.vic.edu.au/acec2000/paper_ref/g-russell/paper16/index.htm

Russsell, G. and Holkner, B. (2000). Virtual Schools. Futures32, 887-897.

Russell, G. Will Computers Replace Teachers? Paper presented at Monash University ERCSS Confernce 2000.

Russell, G, and Russell, N. (2000). Will Computers Replace Teachers? Education Review October/November, p. 2

Russell, G (2000). School education in the age of the ubiquitous networked computer. Technology in Society , 22, 389-400

Finger, G., Russell, N., and Russell, G., (1999). Information Technology and Australian Teachers – Implications and Issues: Real Time: Computers, change and schooling – National Sample Study of the Information Technology Skills of Australian School Students. Paper Presented to the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE), Melbourne, December 1999. Available: http://www.aare.edu.au/99pap/fin99548.htm

Wise, P., and Russell, G. (1999). Convergence, Information Technology and curriculum. In D. Meredyth, N.Russell, L. Blackwood, J.Thomas and P. Wise (eds) Real Time: Computers Change and Schooling: National Sample Study of the Information technology skills of Australian school students. DETYA and Australian Key Centre for Cultural and Media Policy: Griffith University. Complete report available: http://www.detya.gov.au/schools/Publications/RealTime.pdf

Holmes, D., and Russell, G. (1999). Adolescent CIT use: Paradigm shifts for educational and cultural practices? British Journal of Sociology of Education, 20(1), 73-82

Russell, G., and Russell, N. (1999), Cyberspace and School Education. Westminster Studies in Education, 22, 7-17

Russell, G. (2000). Print-based and visual discourses in schools: Implications for pedagogy. Discourse.21 (2), 205-217

Russell, G. (1998). Hypertext stories: A radical transformation in English pedagogy? English in Australia, 121, 76-87.

Russell, G. (1998). Elements and implications of a hypertext pedagogy. Computers and Education, 31(2), 185-193.

Russell, G., and Russell, N. (1997). Imperatives and dissonances in cyberspace curriculum: An Australian perspective. Education, 117(4), 584-591.

Russell, G., and Bradley, G. (1997). Teachers’ computer anxiety: Implications for professional development. Education and Information Technologies, 2, 1-14.

Russell, G. (1997). Trends in Adolescents’ use of information technology. Metro Education, 11, 3-7.

Russell, G. (1997). Hypertextual dichotomies: The evolution of two hypertextual pedagogies in school education. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 6(3-4),394-412.

Russell, G and Russell, N . (1997). Imperative or Dissonance? Implications of student computer use for a cyberspace curriculum. Unicorn, 23(3), 2-10.

Bradley, G., and Russell, G. (1997). Computer experience, school support and computer anxieties. Educational Psychology, 17(3), 267-284.

Russell, G., and Holmes, D. (1996). Electronic nomads? Implications of trends in adolescents’ use of communication and information technology. Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 12(2),130-144. Available: http://cleo.murdoch.edu.au/gen/aset/ajet/ajet12/su96p130.html

Russell, G., and Bradley, G. (1996). Computer anxiety and student teachers: antecedent and intervention. Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 24(3), 245-257.