‘Teachers’ work in the digital age’ – ‘first glimpse’ research findings presentation

‘Teachers’ work in the digital age’ – ‘first glimpse’ research findings presentation


Neil_oxfordAs part of the University of Oxford Department of Education’s public seminar series, Neil Selwyn presented initial findings from our ongoing ARC funded project on schools and digital technology – focusing on issues relating to the work of teachers with technology. The seminar explored the ways in which digital technologies are now implicated in teachers’ work and labor. Drawing upon emerging findings from the LNM team’s ethnographic fieldwork in three Australian high schools, Neil detailed the ways in which teachers’ work is now enacted along digital lines – often in notably intensified, standardized and evidenced ways. However, these research findings also raise questions regarding the extent to which these digitizations can be said to constitute wholly ‘new’ labor conditions – pointing to continuities and disjunctures between teachers’ work with and without digital technology. As such, the seminar also considered the differentiated experiences of these conditions across teaching workforces.

video of presentation (54 mins)