Prof Neil Selwyn

Prof Neil Selwyn


neilSelwynNeil Selwyn is a Professor in the Faculty of Education, Monash University. He has worked previously at the Institute of Education – University College London, Cardiff University and the University of Bristol (all UK). Neil’s research and teaching focuses on the place of digital media in everyday life, and the sociology of technology (non)use in educational settings.

Neil has written extensively on a number of issues, including digital exclusion, education technology policymaking and the student experience of technology-based learning. He has carried out funded research on digital technology, society and education for the Australian Research Council (ARC), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), British Academy, the BBC, Nuffield Foundation, the Gates Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, Microsoft Partners in Learning, Becta, Centre for Distance Education, the Welsh Office, National Assembly of Wales and various local authorities.

Neil is a regular keynote speaker at international conferences, and media commentator on issues relating to digital technology and education.

Research interests:

  • Digital technology and society
  • The use of digital technologies in education settings
  • The role(s) that digital technologies play in people’s everyday lives
  • Digital technology and social exclusion
  • Public policy making in the digital age

Current research & writing activities:

  • Digital technology use in secondary schools
  • Data and education
  • Digital labor and education
  • Proxy internet use


Recent articles in academic journals

Selwyn, N. (2016) There’s so much data: the realities of data-based school governance’ European Educational Research Journal  15, 1.

Selwyn, N. et al.  (2015)  ‘Exploring the role of digital data in contemporary schools and schooling’   British Education Research Journal  41, 5

Selwyn, N. and Facer, K.   (2014)   ‘The sociology of education and technology: past, present and future’  Oxford Review of Education  40, 4

Selwyn, N.   (2013)   ”Micro’ politics: mapping the origins of schools computing as a field of education policy’  History of Education 42, 5,

Recent books

Selwyn, N.  (2017)  ‘Education and technology: key issues and debates‘  London, Bloomsbury

Selwyn, N.  (2016)   ‘Is technology good for education?  Cambridge, Polity

Selwyn, N.   (2014)   ‘Digital technology and the contemporary university: degrees of digitization‘  London, Routledge

Selwyn, N.   (2014)   ‘Distrusting educational technology: critical questions for changing times  New York, Routledge

Selwyn, N.  and  Facer, K. [eds]   (2013)   ‘The politics of education and technology: conflicts, controversies and connections New York, Palgrave Macmillan

Selwyn, N.   (2013)   ‘Education in a digital world: global perspectives on technology and education‘  New York, Routledge

Media appearances

Featured interview on ABC Radio National program ‘Future Tense’ with Antony Funnell, discussing the future of schools and schooling in the digital age – February 2016

Featured guest on BBC Radio 4 ‘Start The Week’ with Andrew Marr,  discussing education, technology and social class – May 2016

Featured guest on ABC Radio ‘Nightlife’ with Tony Delroy, discussing schools and technology – June 2016