LNM’s ‘Video Feedback’ work in the news

LNM’s ‘Video Feedback’ work in the news


chronicleOur recent work on video-based assessment has been making the news over the past couple of weeks. Work by LNM members Michael Henderson and Mike Phillips was featured in an article in The Australian newspaper on January 14. The piece highlighted the affordances of video based assessment feedback, and also foregrounded an upcoming journal article providing new empirical data and analysis soon to be published in the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology.

Further media interest in this story followed with a feature article in the Chronicle of Higher Education. The online version of this piece was accompanied by a lively series of comments from readers discussing a variety of ways in which educators provide assessment feedback in the digital age. Back in Australia, the story was featured in both Campus Review and Education Review with Michael Henderson providing Campus Review with a detailed outline of the ways in which video feedback has impacted educational outcomes in tertiary settings while the focus of the Education Review podcast examined the ways in which video feedback can be used in secondary contexts.