Prof Ilana Snyder

Prof Ilana Snyder


Ilana Snyder was a high school English teacher before she took up an academic position at Monash University. Her research has focused on the changes to social and cultural practices when digital technologies are used in school and out-of-school settings. A particular interest has been the connections between literacy, technology and disadvantage. Major funded studies include a project which examined the connections between the use of new technologies, teaching and learning, and organisational change in Australian higher education and another which explored the digital literacy practices of young people in all the dimensions of their lives, at school, at home and in the community. Her recent projects include a collaboration with colleagues in Marketing that focuses on children’s critical engagement with marketing activities when they use online social networking media and another which is investigating the use of mobile phones to deliver literacy, numeracy and health outcomes to Indigenous children in remote communities. Her most recent book is Closing the Gap in Education?, co-edited with John Nieuwenhuysen (2010), which is a collection of the papers from a conference held at Monash’s Johannesburg campus in which leading scholars and public figures from Australia, South Africa and New Zealand participated. The Literacy Wars (2008) examines the volatile public debates around literacy education. The book offers an explanation of the often bitter disagreements, arguing that the challenge is to find a balance between preserving the legacy of the past and preparing children for the literacy demands of the future. Ilana is a member of a number of editorial boards and a reviewer for several national and international funding bodies.

Ilana’s full profile and publication record can be found at:

Research interests:

  • Media debates about literacy
  • Literacy, technology and social inclusion
  • Language and literacy education
  • Literacy and technology studies
  • Critical literacy and the use of new technologies
  • Pedagogical practices and new technologies
  • Hypertext
  • Hypertext and contemporary literary theories.



Snyder, I., Nieuwenhuysen, J. (eds), 2011, A Home Away From Home? International students in Australian and South African higher education, Monash University Publishing, Melbourne.

Snyder, I.A., Nieuwenhuysen, J. (eds), 2010, Closing the Gap in Education? Improving Outcomes in Southern World Societies, Monash University Publishing, Australia.

Snyder, I.A., 2008, The Literacy Wars. Why teaching children to read and write is a battleground in Australia, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest NSW Australia.

Snyder, I.A., Prinsloo, M. (eds), 2007, The Digital Literacy Practices of Young People in Marginal Contexts. Special Issue of Language and Education. An International Journal, Multilingual Matters Ltd, Clevedon, UK.

Snyder, I.A., Jones, A., Lo Bianco, J., 2005, Using information and communication technologies in adult literacy education: new practices, new challenges, NCVER, Adelaide SA Australia.

Snyder, I.A., Beavis, C. (eds), 2004, Doing Literacy Online: Teaching , Learning and Playing in an Electronic World, Hampton Press.

Snyder, I.A. (ed), 2002, Silicon Literacies: Communication, Innovation and Education in the Electronic Age, Routledge, New York USA.

Lankshear, C., Snyder, I.A., Green, B., 2000, Teachers and Technoliteracy: Managing Literacy, Technology and Learning in Schools, Allen & Unwin, St Leonards NSW.

Bigum, C., Durrant, C., Green, B., Honan, E., Lankshear, C., Morgan, W., Murray, J., Snyder, I.A., Wild, M., McKenna, A., Burbules, N., Kapitzke, C., Doneman, M., Bleicher, B., Knobel, M., Muspratt, S., Callister, T., Lemke, J., 1997, Digital Rhetorics: Literacies and Technologies in Education – Current Practices and Future Directions (Volumes 1-3), Dept of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, Canberra ACT Australia.

Snyder, I.A. (ed), 1997, Page to Screen, Allen & Unwin, Sydney NSW Australia.

Journal Articles

Auld, G., Snyder, I.A., Henderson, M., 2012, Using mobile phones as placed resources for literacy learning in a remote Indigenous community in Australia, Language and Education [E], vol 26, issue 4, Routledge, UK, pp. 279-296.

Snyder, I., Jevons, C., Henderson, M., Gabbott, T., Beale, D., 2011, More than chatting online: Children, marketing and the use of digital media, English in Australia [P], vol 46, issue 3, Australian Association for the Teaching of English Inc., Australia, pp. 32-40.

Snyder, I., 2010, Antes, agora, adiante: hipertexto, letramento e mudanca (Then, now, next: hipertext, literacy and change), Educacao em Revista [P], vol 26, issue 3, Universidade Federal de Minas Gervais, Brazil, pp. 255-281.

Snyder, I., 2010, Literacy, learning and technology studies, Educational Trends (Tendencias Pedagogicas) [E], vol 16, Department of Curriculum and Educational Theory of the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain, pp. 5-30.

Snyder, I.A., 2009, Being in the truth – Book review of ‘The Uses of Digital Literacy’, Australian Book Review [P], vol May 2009, issue 311, Australian Book Review Inc., Victoria, Australia, p. 57.

Snyder, I.A., 2009, The stories that divide us: Of literacy education, English in Australia [P], vol 44, issue 1, AATE Inc., Australia, pp. 13-23.

North, S.M., Snyder, I.A., Bulfin, S.A., 2008, Digital tastes: Social class and young people’s technology use, Information, Communication and Society, vol 11, issue 7, Routledge, UK, pp. 895-911.

Snyder, I.A., Marginson, S.W., Lewis, T., 2007, ‘An alignment of the planets’: mapping the intersections between pedagogy, technology and management in Australian universities, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, vol 29, issue 2, Routledge,, pp. 187-202.

Snyder, I.A., 2007, Donnelly at large. Book review ‘Dumbing Down’: Outcomes-based and politically correct – the impact of the Culture wars on our schools’ by Kevin Donnelly, Australian Book Review, vol 291, issue May 2007, Australian Book Review, Inc., Richmond South Vic Australia, p. 17.

Snyder, I.A., 2007, Selective pruning. Book review ‘Which School?: Beyond Public vs Private’ by Joanna Mendelssohn, Australian Book Review, vol 294, issue September 2007, Australian Book Review Inc., Richmond South, Victoria, Australia, p. 57.

Snyder, I.A., Prinsloo, M., 2007, Young people’s engagement with digital literacies in marginal contexts in a globalised world, Language and Education. An International Journal, vol 21, issue 3, Multilingual Matters Ltd, Clevedon UK, pp. 171-179.

Snyder, I.A., 2006, The pattern in the index, review of Richard Florida’s: The Flight of the Creative Class, Australian Book Review, vol May 2006, issue 281, Australian Book Review Inc., Richmond South Vic Australia, pp. 16-17.

Snyder, I.A., 2005, Attuned to the truth, Computers and Composition, vol 22, issue 1, Elsevier Ltd, UK, pp. 39-47.

Snyder, I.A., 2005, Literacy education: present, past, future, Practically Primary, vol 10, issue 3, Australian Literacy Educators Australia, Adelaide SA Australia, pp. 30-31.

Lewis, T., Marginson, S.W., Snyder, I.A., 2005, The network university? Technology, culture and organisational complexity in contemporary higher education, Higher Education Quarterly, vol 59, issue 1, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., UK, pp. 56-75.

Snyder, I.A., 2005, Too everything, Australian Book Review: A Shelf of Our Own, vol 276, Australian Book Review Inc., Australia, p. 51.

Snyder, I.A., Jones, A., Lo Bianco, J., 2005, Using ICT in adult literacy education: guidelines for reform, Literacy & Numeracy Studies, vol 14, issue 1, Centre for Language and Literacy, University of Technology, Sydney NSW Australia, pp. 17-32.

Snyder, I.A., 2004, Dubious appeal, Australian Book Review, vol 1, issue 262, Vic Australia, p. 54.

Angus, L., Snyder, I.A., Sutherland-Smith, W., 2004, ICT and educational (dis)advantage: families, computers and contemporary social and educational inequalities, British Journal of Sociology of Education, vol 25, issue 1, Carfax Publishing Ltd, UK, pp. 3-18.

Snyder, I.A., Meadows, J., Marks, E., Rosner Blay, A., Glezer, S., 2004, Representing the unimaginable: the holocaust experience in writing, art and performance, Idiom, vol 40, issue 1, Victorian Association for the Teaching of English, Carlton Vic Australia, pp. 46-56.

Snyder, I.A., 2004, Thinking Images, Australian Book Review, vol 261, Australian Book Review Inc., Vic Australia, p. 30.

Snyder, I.A., 2003, Degrees in Inequality, Australian Book Review, vol May 2003, issue 251, Australian Book Review Inc., Richmond South Vic Australia, pp. 54-55.

Angus, L., Snyder, I.A., Sutherland-Smith, W., 2003, Families, cultural resources and the digital divide: ICTs and educational (dis)advantage, Australian Journal of Education, vol 47, issue 1, Australian Council for Educational Research, Camberwell Vic Australia, pp. 18-39.

Snyder, I.A., 2003, Tara’s Theme, Australian Book Review, vol Feb 2003, issue 248, Australian Book Review Inc., Richmond South Vic Australia, pp. 22-23.

Sutherland-Smith, W., Snyder, I.A., Angus, L., 2003, The digital divide: differences in computer use between home and school in low socio-economic households, L1 – Educational Studies in Language and Literature, vol 3, issue 1-2, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherland, pp. 5-19.

Snyder, I.A., Angus, L.B., Sutherland-Smith, W., 2002, Building equitable literate futures: home and school computer-mediated literacy practices and disadvantage, Cambridge Journal of Education, vol 32, issue 3, Carfax Publishing, Abingdon UK, pp. 367-383.

Snyder, I.A., 2002, David Bell: Introduction to Cybercultures, Manuel Castells: The Internet Galaxy, Lelia Green: Technoculture, Australian Book Review, vol May 2002, issue 241, Australian Book Review Inc., Richmond South Vic Australia, pp. 29-30.

Snyder, I.A., 2002, Literacy education in the digital age: reframing curriculum and pedagogy, Pedagogisch Tijdschrift, vol 27, issue 2/3, Ceuterick Leuven, Leuven Netherland, pp. 145-157.

Snyder, I.A., 2002, Netspeak Nuances David Crystal: Language and the Internet, Australian Book Review, vol Feb 2002, issue 238, Australian Book Review Inc., Richmond South Vic Australia, pp. 37-38.

Snyder, I.A., 2001, A new communication order: researching literacy practices in the network society, Language and Education, vol 15, issue 2&3, Mulilingual Matters Ltd, Exeter, Great Britain, pp. 117-131.

Snyder, I.A., 2001, A new communication order: researching literacy practices in the network society, Language and Education: An International Journal, vol 15, issue 2 & 3, Multilingual Matters Ltd, Clevedon UK, pp. 117-131.

Snyder, I.A., 2001, Book review ‘Alphabet to Email: How Written English Evolved and Where It’s Heading’ by Naomi S. Baron, Journal of Sociolinguistics, vol 5, issue 1, Blackwell Publishers Ltd, Oxford UK, pp. 127-131.

Snyder, I.A., 2001, Book reviews: Virtual Technologies and Tertiary Education: Michael Peters and Peter Roberts, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, vol 22, issue 1, Carfax Publishing,…, pp. 135-137.

Snyder, I.A., 2000, Literacy and technology studies: past, present, future, The Australian Educational Researcher, vol 27 issue 2, Australian Association for Research in Education, Melbourne Vic Australia, pp. 97-119.

Snyder, I.A., 1999, Digital literacies: renegotiating the visual and the verbal in communication, Prospect, vol 14, issue 3, MacQuarie University, Sydney NSW Australia, pp. 13-23.

Snyder, I.A., 1999, New technologies, new ways of reading and writing, mETAphor, vol 1999, English teachers Association, NSW, Sydney NSW Australia, pp. 6-12.

Snyder, I.A., 1999, Packaging literacy, new technologies and “enhanced” learning, Australian Journal of Education, vol 43, issue 3, ACER, Melbourne Vic Australia, pp. 287-301.

Snyder, I.A., 1999, Technology rhetorics: taking a critical perspective, Text Technology, vol 9, issue 1, Wright State University-Lake Campus, Celina USA, pp. 49-64.

Snyder, I.A., 1999, Women and Computer based Technologies: A Female Perspective Hope Morritt, 1997, Computers and Composition, vol 16/1, Ablex Publishing, Stamford Connecticut USA, pp. 197-201.

Honan, E., Durrant, C., Bigum, C., Green, B., Lankshear, C., Morgan, W., Murray, J., Snyder, I.A., 1998, Digital rhetorics, Literacy learning: Secondary thoughts, vol 6, 2, Australian Literacy Educators’ Assoc, Carlton Vic Australia, pp. 17-23.

Snyder, I.A., 1997, Hyperfiction: its possibilities in English, English in Education, vol 31, National Association for the Teaching of English, Sheffield, pp. 23-33.

Green, B., Bigum, C., Durrant, C., Honan, E., Lankshear, C., Morgan, W., Murray, J., Snyder, I.A., Wild, M., 1997, In sites: exemplary cases of literacies and new technologies in Australian classrooms, Literacy Learning: Secondary thoughts, vol 5, Australian Literacy Educators’ Association, Carlton Vic Australia, pp. 8-16.

Book Chapters

Snyder, I.A., Beale, D., 2012, A modern PhD: Doctoral education in Australian universities in digital times, in The SAGE Handbook of Digital Dissertations and Theses, eds Richard Andrews, Erik Borg, Stephen Boyd Davis, Myrrh Domingo and Jude England, Sage, London United Kingdom, pp. 409-426.

Snyder, I.A., Beale, D., 2012, The rise and rise of English: The politics of bilingual education in Australia’s remote indigenous schools, inEnglish. A Changing Medium for Education, eds Constant Leung and Brian V. Street, Multilingual Matters, UK, pp. 41-58.

Snyder, I., Beale, D., 2011, The role of English in international education, in A Home away from Home? International Students in Australian and South African Education, eds Ilana Snyder and John Nieuwenhuysen, Monash University Publishing, Melbourne, pp. 117-132.

Snyder, I.A., 2010, Beyond the ‘Digital Divide’, in Closing the Gap in Education? Improving Outcomes in Southern World Societies, eds Ilana Snyder and John Nieuwenhuysen, Monash University Publishing, Australia, pp. 158-173.

Snyder, I.A., Nieuwenhuysen, J., 2010, Closing the gap in education?, in Closing the Gap in Education? Improving Outcomes in Southern World Societies, eds Ilana Snyder and John Nieuwenhuysen, Monash University Publishing, Australia, pp. 1-6.

Snyder, I.A., Marginson, S.W., Lewis, T., 2009, “An alignment of the planets”: Mapping the intersections between pedagogy, technology and management in Australian universities, in The Routledge International Handbook of Higher Education, eds Malcolm Tight, Ka Ho Mok, Jeroen Huisman & Christopher C. Morphew, Routledge, New York / London, pp. 109-121.

Snyder, I.A., 2009, Love them or loathe them: Navigating the literacy landscape in digital times (Portuguese title: ‘Ame-os ou deixe-os: Navegando no panorama de letramentos em tempos digitais’), in Literacies on Web: Genres, Interaction and Teaching (Portuguese title: ‘Letramentos na Web: Generos, Interacao e Ensino’), eds Julio Cesar Araujo and Messias Dieb, Edicoes UFC, Fortaleza, Brazil, pp. 23-46.

Snyder, I.A., 2009, Shuffling towards the future: the enduring dominance of book culture in literacy education, in The Future of Literacy Studies, eds Mike Baynham and Mastin Prinsloo, Palgrave Macmillan, USA, pp. 141-159.

Snyder, I.A., 2008, Research approaches to the study of literacy, technology and learning, in Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Second Edition. Vol. 10: Research Methods in Language and Education, eds Kendall A. King, Nancy H. Hornberger, Springer, New York, pp. 299-308.

Snyder, I.A., Bulfin, S.A., 2008, Using new media in the secondary English classroom, in Handbook of Research on New Literacies, eds Julie Coiro, Michele Knobel, Colin Lankshear, Donald J. Leu, Lawrence Erlbaum, New York USA, pp. 805-837.

Snyder, I.A., Bulfin, S.A., 2007, Digital literacy: what it means for arts education, in International Handbook of Research in Arts Education, eds Liora Bresler, Springer, Dordrecht The Netherlands, pp. 1297-1310.

Snyder, I.A., 2007, Literacy, learning and technology studies, in The SAGE Handbook of E-Learning Research, eds Richard Andrews and Caroline Haythornthwaite, Sage, London, pp. 394-415.

Snyder, I.A., 2007, New media and cultural form: narrative versus database, in Teaching Secondary English with ICT, eds Anthony Adams and Sue Brindley, Open University Press, Berkshire UK, pp. 67-79.

Angus, L., Sutherland-Smith, W., Snyder, I.A., 2004, ICT and educational (dis)advantage: cultural resources and the digital divide, inEthnographies of Educational and Cultural Conflicts: Strategies and Resolutions, eds Bob Jeffrey and Geoffrey Walford, Elsevier, Oxford UK, pp. 45-66.

Snyder, I.A., Beavis, C., 2004, Introduction, in Doing Literacy Online: Teaching, Learning and Playing in an Electronic World, Hampton Press Inc., New Jersey, pp. 13-26.

Snyder, I.A., Angus, L., Sutherland-Smith, W., 2004, ‘They’re the future and they’re going to take over everywhere’: ICTs, literacy and disadvantage, in Doing Literacy Online: Teaching, Learning and Playing in an Electronic World, eds Ilana Snyder and Catherine Beavis, Hampton Press, Inc., Cresskill USA, pp. 225-244.

Angus, L.B., Snyder, I.A., Sutherland-Smith, W., 2003, ICT and education policy: cultural lessons from families, in Investigating educational policy through ethnography, eds G. Walford, Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford UK, pp. 63-91.

Snyder, I.A., 2003, Keywords: a vocabulary of pedagogy and new media, in Classroom Interactions in Literacy, eds Eve Bearne, Henrietta Dombey and Teresa Grainger, Open University Press, Maidenhead UK, pp. 7-20.

Snyder, I.A., 2002, Communication, imagination, critique – literacy education for the electronic age, in Silicon Literacies: Communication, Innovation and Education in the Electronic Age, eds David Barton, Routledge, London UK, pp. 173-183.

Snyder, I.A., 2002, Silicon Literacies, in Silicon Literacies: Communication, Innovation and Education in the Electronic Age, eds David Barton, Routledge, UK, pp. 3-12.

Snyder, I.A., 2001, ‘Hybrid vigour’: reconciling the verbal and the visual in electronic communication, in ICT, pedagogy and the curriculum: subject to change, eds Avril Loveless and Viv Ellis, RoutledgeFalmer, London UK, pp. 41-59.

Snyder, I.A., 2001, The new communication order, in P(ict)ures of English: Teachers, Learners and Technology, eds Cal Durrant and Catherine Beavis, Wakefield Press, Kent Town SA Australia, pp. 111-124.

McConaghy, C., Snyder, I.A., 2000, Working the Web in postcolonial Australia, in Global Literacies and the World Wide Web, Routledge, London UK, pp. 74-92.

Snyder, I.A., 1999, Coping with change, in Supervision of postgraduate research in education, AARE, sine loco, pp. 141-145.

Snyder, I.A., 1999, Integrating computers into the literacy curriculum: more difficult than we first imagined, in Teaching literacy using information technology, IRA (Int Reading Association), Newark Delaware USA, pp. 11-30.

Snyder, I.A., 1997, Beyond the hype: reassessing hypertext, in Page to screen: taking literacy into the electronic era, Allen & Unwin, Sydney NSW Australia, pp. 125-143.

Snyder, I.A., 1997, Page to Screen, in Page to Screen: taking literacy into the electronic era, Allen & Unwin, Sydney NSW Australia, pp. xx-xxxvi.

Conference Proceedings

Alerby, E., Badib, A.A., Snyder, I.A., Donagan, J., Henderson, M., Kussowski, L., Pinder, J.M., Prince, A., Viete, R.A., Winter, R.V., Yammouni, D., 2010, ‘If you build it, they will come’: An equity focused cross-campus and cross-continent framework for developing and teaching HDR academic literacies, Ninth quality in postgraduate research conference: Educating researchers for the 21st century, 13/04/2012 – 15/04/2012, The Centre for Educational Development and Academic Methods, The Australian National University, Canberra Australia, p. 309.

Snyder, I.A., 2009, Being digital in school, home and community, Proceedings of the 2009 AATE/ALEA National Conference (online), 9-12 July, 2009, AATE/ALEA, Australia, p. 0.

Snyder, I.A., 2009, Beyond digital divides: Engaging with new technologies in marginalised educational settings, Closing the Gap in Education? Improving Outcomes in Southern World Societies, 25-27 November, 2009, Monash South Africa and the Monash Institute for the Study of Global Movements, Monash University (Australia and South Africa), p. 0.

Snyder, I.A., 2009, Then, Now, Next: Hypertext, Literacy and Change, Digital literacies. Proceedings of the 3rd National Meeting on Hypertext (online), 29-31 October, 2009, Centro Federal de Educacao Tecnologica de Minas Gerais (Federal Centre of Technological Education), Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, p. 0.

Snyder, I.A., 2005, Pattern recognition: learning from the technoliteracy research, 54th Yearbook of the National Reading Conference, 06/12/2005 to 09/12/2005, National Reading Conference Inc., Oak Creek Wisconsin, pp. 51-62.

Jones, A., Snyder, I.A., Lo Bianco, J., 2004, ICTs in adult literacy education: stories from the field, Doing – Thinking – Activity – Learning, 06/12/2004 to 08/12/2004, Australian Academic Press Pty Ltd, Brisbane Qld Australia, pp. 258-265.

Snyder, I.A., 2001, Literacy, technology and classrooms: the challenge for teachers, Information-communication Technology and Literacy: The International Experience, 01/10/99 – 03/10/99, Centre for the Greek Language, Thessaloniki Greece, pp. 141-164.

Snyder, I.A., 1998, Literacies for the 21st century: from page to screen, Connected learning, Melbourne, 9-10 August, 1998, Education Victoria, Melbourne Vic Australia, p. 7.

Snyder, I.A., 1997, Literacy, learning and technology. Report of a two-year Australian Study, 7th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Greece, 26 – 30 August, EARLI, Greece, p. 321.

Snyder, I.A., 1997, Scenarios for literacy in the 21st century: books and hypertext, Scenarios for literacy in the 21st century:, Melbourne, 31 October, 1996, IARTV, Melbourne Vic Australia, pp. 3-11.


Snyder, I.A., Forgasz, H., 2008, A study of factors contributing to HDR completion and non-completions at Monash University, Monash University, Melbourne Vic Australia, pp. 1-47.

Snyder, I.A., Wise, L.Z., North, S.M., Bulfin, S.A., 2008, Being Digital in School, Home and Community, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Melbourne Vic Australia, pp. 1-55.

Snyder, I.A., 2008, Debating Literacy, Opening Keynote address to the Victorian Association for the Teaching of English State Conference.

Snyder, I.A., 2008, Literacy as a public issue, Carolyn D. Baker Memorial Lecture. Keynote address and public lecture, University of Queensland Postgraduate Conference, University of Queensland, 19 September 2008.

Snyder, I.A., 2008, Literacy wars cause collateral damage, The Age, April 14 2008, David Syme Pty Ltd, Melbourne Vic Australia.

Snyder, I.A., 2008, Reading and writing in a cultural battleground, Article in The Canberra Times, Rural Press limited, Canberra.

Snyder, I.A., 2008, Redrawing battle lines in the literacy wars, Article in AEU Victorian News, Australian Education Union, Abbotsford Vic Australia.

Snyder, I.A., 2008, The literacy wars, Keynote address at Catholic Education Office (Melbourne) Middle years literacy project professional learning conference, Dallas Brooks Hall, 3 June 2008.

Snyder, I.A., 2004, Engagement in literacy over time, place and domain, 2004 AERA annual meeting – workshop, AERA.

Snyder, I.A., Beavis, C., 2004, Teachers critical to online learning, The Age, Age Company Ltd, Australia.

Snyder, I.A., 2004, Video games give us a lesson in learning, The Age, The Age, Melbourne Vic Australia.

Wild, M., Lankshear, C., Bigum, C., Durrant, C., Green, B., Morgan, W., Murray, J.R., Snyder, I.A., 1998, Making sense of literacies and technologies in education in the digital era, Set special 1998: Technology ACER Publication, NZCER, New Zealand.

Snyder, I.A., Knobel, M., Lankshear, C., Burbules, N., 1998, New literacies for new times, Conf. Publication: Diversity and citizenship in multicultural societies AERA 1998 Annual Meeting, AERA San Diego California US.

Snyder, I.A., 1998, Schools, Computers & Literacy, EQ Australia Issue 1, Autumn 1998, Curricullum Corporation, Melbourne Vic Australia.

Snyder, I.A., 1998, Untangling the Web, Australian Educator No. 20 Summer 1998 Magazine of the Australian Education Union, AEU, Melbourne Vic Australia.

Snyder, I.A., 1997, Challenging fundamental notions of teaching and learning. Keynote address, Presentation to EduNet 97 International Internet Conference for Schools, 16-19 April, hosted by St. Michaell’s Grammar School.

Snyder, I.A., 1997, Digital rhetorics: literacies and technologies in education – current practicaes and future directions – Canberra: DEETYA, Participant in the project which has produced a four volume report to DEETYA under the above uniform title.

Snyder, I.A., 1997, Extreme responses to the New Technologies: a critical assessment, 10th Annual Writing and Computers Conference, Writing the Future. Brighton UK, 18-19 September.

Snyder, I.A., 1997, If that’s a road ahead let’s take a detour, 9th MacBride Roundtable on Communication, University of Colorado at Boulder, 1 – 2 October.

Snyder, I.A., 1997, Literacy, learning and technology: Australian style, Presentation to the 13th computers and writing conference, 7 – 9 June, Honolulu 1997.

Snyder, I.A., 1997, Research methods for studying the use of computers in literacy classrooms, Encyclopaedia of Language and Education Vol 18, vol first, Kluwer, Boston, pp. 239-248.