Associate Professor Carlo Perrotta

Associate Professor Carlo Perrotta


Carlo Perrotta is an Associate Professor in digital literacies in the Graduate School of Education at the Univetrsity of Melbourne.

Twitter @carloper
Other profile sites:  Google Scholar  |  ORCID 

Carlo is interested in the sociology of digital education, and his background is in social psychology, sociology and cultural theory. His PhD was awarded by the University of Bath in 2009. Before joining Monash in 2018, Carlo held research posts at the University of Leeds, UK and the UCL-Institute of Education in London. Prior to Academia, Carlo worked for Futurelab, a UK-based, non-for-profit ‘think-tank’ that explored the potential of digital technology in education.

Carlo has published on a variety of topics related to digital technology in education. His current research focuses on the social and political accountability of algorithms, automation and artificial intelligence.

Recent publications include:

  • Perrotta, C., Gulson, K., Williamson, B & Witzenberger, W. (2021/in press). Automation, APIs and the distributed labour of platform pedagogies in Google Classroom. Critical Studies in Education.
  • Perrotta, C. (2020). Programming the platform university: Learning analytics and predictive infrastructures in higher education. Research in Education, 0034523720965623.
  • Perrotta, C., & Selwyn, N. (2020). Deep learning goes to school: Toward a relational understanding of AI in education. Learning, Media and Technology45(3), 251-269.
  • Perrotta, C., Bailey, C., Ryder, J., Haggis-Burridge, M., & Persico, D. (2019). Games as (Not) Culture: A Critical Policy Analysis of the Economic Agenda of Horizon 2020. Games and Culture, 1555412019853899.
  • Perrotta, C., & Williamson, B. (2018). The social life of learning analytics: Cluster analysis and the ‘performance’of algorithmic education. Learning, Media and Technology43(1), 3-16