Webinar: AI and the future of higher education

Webinar: AI and the future of higher education


DER member and HEDI Director Professor Michael Henderson features on a panel of experts talking about AI and the future of higher education. The panel was part of the University of Woolongong Luminaries series.

In the panel the members were challenged: How will the rise in artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT revolutionise education and assessment? Some universities around the world are considering moving back to pen and paper methods to circumvent the use of AI by students, but what if there was a way that AI could help in educating students, rather than hinder? This webinar explores how AI can be ethically used for assessment to help our students develop the digital literacy required, and the need to develop culture of academic integrity to minimise the risks.

Moderator: Senior Professor Sue Bennett, UOW


  • Thomas King, Industry Executive – Higher Education, Microsoft
  • Professor Rhona Sharpe, Director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning at Oxford University
  • Professor Michael Henderson, Professor of Digital Futures in the Faculty of Education, Monash University

Watch the video here:
