David Elliott

David Elliott


David_ElliotI’m a research student at Monash University, where I study young people’s use of digital media, particularly computer and video games, in secondary literacy spaces. I am particularly interested in disadvantaged and at-risk students, and the ways in which computer game-based curricula can heighten engagement and enthusiasm, and can create powerful learning opportunities. My supervisors are Dr. Julie Faulkner and Dr. Scott Bulfin, who are currently guiding me through the complex process of writing my doctoral thesis.

I’m also one of the administrators of the New Media Research Group website as of 2013, and will be working with Dr. Michael Henderson.

Research interests:

  • Using ICT’s with disadvantaged learners.
  • The cultural currency of computer and video games.
  • Implementing a game-based curriculum in the Australian public school system.
  • Teacher expertise and digital media.
  • Young people’s use of mobile technology.
  • Schools and internet filtration/censorship.



English In Australia