Rosie is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Education. Her research focuses on the socio-cultural and material complexities of health across school, teacher education, institutional, government, cultural and community settings. Her work draws from a range of disciplines: design, sociology, cultural studies and education to apply critical and creative responses to social challenges. Her work has examined the formations of public pedagogy, media, curriculum, Indigenous-settler relations, gardens and places of learning in peoples’ everyday experiences especially in relation to health, food studies, wellbeing and the environment. Rosie leads the Faculty of Education research group Plants, Place and Pedagogy, has lead edited published collections on environmental attunement in health education. She has been invited to speak at and contribute to a number of state, national and international sociological, curriculum, health and educational projects.
Prior to joining Monash, Rosie’s work included teaching and research in health education, youth transitions, social geography, sexuality education and educational sociology at the University of Wollongong and Sydney University. Rosie was also a secondary teacher and primary HPE specialist in schools and taught yoga and creative movement in youth and community settings as well as held cultural and social planning roles in local government.
Research areas:
- Health Education teacher education
- Food studies in education
- Land based learning and garden pedagogies
- Sociology of health and the body
- Curriculum and pedagogy
- Social media practices and pedagogies
- Post-structural and socio-material theory
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