A/Prof Lyn Henderson

A/Prof Lyn Henderson


Dr Henderson was an Associate Professor in the School of Education at James Cook University in North Queensland. She retired in 2010 but continues to work with research students in the field.

Co-Author of “Stimulated Recall and Mental Models: Tools for Teaching and Learning Computer Information Literacy” (Henderson and Tallman, 2005)

This book details a funded study of the mental models of six United States and four Australian teacher-librarians. It analyzes and compares their espoused (before), in-action (during), and reflective (after) models while they were teaching students how to use a computer information database. The authors discover the what, how, and why of teacher-librarians’ thinking, beliefs, and images (i.e. their mental models) as delineated through their verbalizations and actions before, during, and after each of two lessons.

The authors also demonstrate the ways and extent to which stimulated recall methods can inform our understanding of teaching with electronic computer databases, and thereby prove a useful tool, not just for researchers, but also for teachers who want to discover more about their teaching and what their students were thinking

Selected Publications:

Henderson, L., Eshet-Alkalai, Y., & Klemes, J. (2008). Digital gaming: A comparative international study of youth culture in a peaceful and war zone country. Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture, 2(1), 73-103. Online: http://www.eludamos.org/index.php/eludamos/article/view/19/46

Henderson, L. (2007). Theorizing a multiple cultures instructional design model for e-learning and e-teaching. In A. Edmundson (Ed.), Globalized e-learning cultural challenges (pp. 130-153). Hershey: Information Science Publishing.

Henderson, L. (2007). Shaping the research agenda with cyber research assistants. In D Gibson, C Aldrich & M Prensky (Eds.), Games and simulations in online learning: Research and development frameworks (pp. 366–385). Hershey: Information Science Publishing

stimRecallHenderson, L., & Tallman, J. (2006). Stimulated recall and mental models: Tools for teaching and learning computer information Literacy. Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc.

Henderson, L., Eshet, Y., & Klemes, J. (2000). Under the microscope: Factors influencing student outcomes in a computer integrated classroom. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Technology, 19(3), 211 – 236.

York, F., & Henderson, L. (2004). Rural and remote students, the arts and local history: Creative encounters through web-based learning and eMentoring. In Isaias, P., Karmakar, N., Rodrigues, L., Barbosa, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the IADIS international conference: WWW/Internet 2004 (pp. 3-12). Madrid: Chapman & Hall.

York, F. & Henderson, L. (2003). Making it possible: The evolution of RATEP: A community-based teacher education program for Indigenous peoples. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education32, 77-84.

Henderson, L. (1996) Instructional design of interactive multimedia: A cultural critique. Educational Technology, Research and Development, 44(4), 85-104.