A/Prof Andrew Hope

A/Prof Andrew Hope


Andrew_HopeAndrew Hope is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of Adelaide.   Grounded in a sociologically inspired critical education technology approach his research addresses issues such as e-safety , children’s internet use and surveillance in educational institutions. Underpinning such matters is a concern with constructing nuanced understandings of students’ actual experiences of using technology in late modernity and the urgent need to consider children’s digital rights.


Hope, A. (forthcoming) Schoolchildren, governmentality and national e-safety policy discourse. Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education.36(4).

Habel, C. and Hope, A. (forthcoming). Little Big Learning: Subversive Play / GBL Rebooted. In C. Tan, C. Walker and D. Cermak-Sassenrath (Eds.) The Playful Subversion of Technoculture. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Hope, A. (2013) The shackled school internet: zemiological solutions to the problem of over-blocking. Learning, Media and Technology. Vol. 38, No. 3. pp 270-283.

Hope, A. (2013) The politics of online risk and the discursive construction of school e-safety. In K. Facer and N. Selwyn (Eds.) The Politics of Education and Technology: conflicts, controversies and connections. London: Palgrave / Macmillan. pp. 83-98.

Hope, A. (2013) Foucault, panopticism and school surveillance research. In M. Murphy (Ed.) Social Theory and Education Research. London: Routledge. pp. 35-51.

Hope, A. (2013) ‘Clouds’ that reign over: learning to be surveilled in the ‘database school’. Learning with New Media Research Group, Monash University. http://newmediaresearch.educ.monash.edu.au/lnmrg/blog/learning-to-be-surveilled

Hope, A. (2011) Internet Risk @ School: Cultures of Control in State EducationSaarbrucken: Lambert Press.

Hope, A. (2010) Student resistance to the surveillance curriculum. International Studies in Sociology of Education. Vol. 20, No. 4. pp 319-334.

Hope, A. (2010) Seductions of risk and school cyberspace. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 26, No. 5. pp 690-703.

Hope, A. (2010) Seductions of Risk, Social Control, and Resistance to School Surveillance. In T. Monahan and R. D. Torres (Eds.) Schools Under Surveillance: Cultures of Control in Public Schools. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. pp 230-245

Hope, A. (2009) CCTV, school surveillance and social control. British Educational Research Journal. Vol. 35, No. 6. pp 891-907. [Reprinted in M. Murphy (Ed.) (2013) Social Theory and Education Research, Volume 4. London, Sage Publications].

Hope, A. (2008) Internet pollution discourses, exclusionary practices and the ‘culture of over-blocking’ within UK schools. Technology, Pedagogy and Education. Vol. 17, No.2, 103-113

Hope, A. (2007) Risk-taking, boundary-performance and intentional school internet ‘misuse.’ Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education. Vol. 28, No. 1, pp 87-99.

Hope, A. (2007) Children and Risk in P. Zwozdiak-Myers (Ed.) (2007)Childhood and Youth Studies. Exeter: Learning Matters Limited. pp 35-44.

Hope, A. (2006) School Internet Use, youth and risk: a social-cultural study of the relation between staff views of on-line dangers and students’ ages in UK schools. British Educational Research Journal. Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 307-329..

Hope, A. (2005) Panopticism, Play and the Resistance of Surveillance: case studies of the observation of student Internet use in UK schools. The British Journal of Sociology of Education. Volume 26, No. 3. pp 359-373.

Hope, A. and Oliver, P. (Eds) (2005) Risk, Education and Culture. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing.

Hope, A. (2005) Risk, Education and Culture: interpreting danger as a dynamic culturally situated process in A. Hope and P. Oliver (Eds) (2005) Risk, Education and Culture. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing. pp. 3-20.

Hope, A. (2005) ‘Moral panic’, internet use and risk: perspectives in educational organisations in A. Hope and P. Oliver (Eds) (2005) Risk, Education and Culture. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing. pp 63-77.

Hope, A. (2004) Danger, ‘otherness’ and chat-room use in UK schools. New Era in Education. Volume 85, Number 2. pp. 60-66.